Good news coming out of Oregon on the use of psychedelics for treating depression, PTSD and addiction.
Chad kuske was a Navy seal for 18 years. When he retired, he found himself “struggling with depression, substance abuse and anger”. Various treatments had failed, until another ex-seal suggested psilocybin, the consciousness-altering compound in “magic mushrooms”. “It basically changed my life forever,” Mr Kuske says. “I realised that I’d been living in my own personal hell and I was keeping myself there by my own choices and I had the power to change that.”

See full article here:
Source: The Economist
My sweety tried them. He said it was a big mistake. He said he did everything in slow motion. It took forever for him to get dressed, and couldn't remember his own name. He said he would just stick to his marijuana. To each their own. What works for one may not work for all. Guess you just have to find what does. . I can't take antidepressants because the side effects are too strong. They really do a number on me.. but for alot of people, they work. Just have to find what works for me.