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The Club
It's a process. You will find yourself in a place where you are alone with your thoughts and may still be in shock. 👇🏼 Get help if you...

This one hit a nerve.
She said, “Don't call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully, with your hand in mine.” He told her about the past, how they met,...

A Little History
My life has been filled with many ups and downs, wins and losses. But who's hasn't? This is all a part of life. I've held many jobs,...

Welcome to my Blog
My name is Melissa Mullamphy and my Meyers Briggs is ENFP. If you know anything about Meyers Briggs its definition is extroverted...

Who is this Chick, The Beginning
I'll try and make this quick as we have much more important things to talk about. I was born about a half-hour from the Bronx, NY, in a...
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