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Workers Comp coverage when working from home?
If you work from home, are you covered for workers comp if you are injured? The short answer is maybe.

News vs Truth
We the People have become a divided group of hypersensitive, overreacting, safe place needing, everyone is offended, nation.

Why can't I get an appointment?
Why can't I get a medical appointment?

Covid Vaccine Passports - A perfect storm Did you ever think you would live to see a day...

Ultimately the decision is mine
This is an interesting read. God knows #oncology is a challenging field. I've just begun to develop #empathy for this profession.

Healthcare Cost Transparency Last week I blogged about ...

Emergency Rooms are Swamped with Seriously ill Patients but not Covid-19

Hospice - What you need to know and how you can help your loved one through the process
My mom was in #hospice care for a week. It was very hard on all of us but, we supported my mom's decision 100%. The lousy #cancer had won.

Main Street Meets Healthcare Covid-19 made every aspect of healthcare change. ...

Waiting to die, and the patients are asked to wait?
Hospice patients are being told to wait as there is no room for them in hospice facilities or staff.

Remove the Stigma
It's not weak to get mental health. It's actually the opposite. It's incredibly strong. We need to remove the stigma. #youmatter.

The End of Job Security in Healthcare
We are on a fast-moving train on a collision course. Our society is in need of a healthy and robust healthcare workforce, but we are...

GoodRx Health
Save on prescription medications

Improve Cognition and Short Term Memory
I was diagnosed cognitive impairment NOC in 2014. I had a couple #seizures and head injuries and was still grieving. My first seizure...
This is what beating cancer looks like!!!
My girl @s_gomez14 is cancer free 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 👇🏼 On 8.12.20 she went to the ER with headaches, fever, chills, stomach pain, bone...
National Daughters Day 2021
👇 Lots has changed without you. You are irreplaceable. Here is an excerpt from #notinvainapromisekept on #nationaldaughtersday...

Cognitive Impairment NOC
As we get older, we all start to forget stuff. Usually, it's gracefully, but some are not that lucky and get head injuries, early-onset...

Visitation Restrictions Are Hurting Patients and Nurses
When Covid-19 hit the United States in 2020 and hospitals became overwhelmed with patients, they had to think fast and try and slow the...

Nonmaleficence is the obligation of a physician not to harm the patient. This should scare you. Over the weekend, I saw some disturbing...

Covid-19 Business Interruption Insurance, and Claims
Since the beginning of Covid-19 and mandatory lockdowns small business closures, that you may have visited regularly, whether a...

Nursing Home Immunity - Covid-19
We all know that during Covid-19, none of us were prepared. The high-risk population (elderly) patients posed the biggest risk for...

The cycle of life
You will eventually understand this. 👇🏼 I felt it this deeply. We all will eventually be here. It's the cycle of life. 👇🏼 When my...

Returning to school
As we in the northeast are a couple of weeks away from our children returning to school please don't forget the signs of stress and...

When Work Weighs You Down, Take a ‘Sad Day 'Here's how to protect your mental health This is spot on but unfortunately many employees that are in high...
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