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This Could be a Game Changer for Cancer Diagnosis and Early Detection
The Galleri test can detect more than 50 kinds of cancer Source: By the end of 2022,...

Nurses are quitting after RaDonda Vaught verdict
I feared this would happen and quite frankly I don't blame them. How much can people take before they break?

Prolonged Grief Disorder
I can tell you with 100% certainty I had this after my Mom passed. I still have some of the symptoms but you learn to cope and live again.

Former nurse found guilty in accidental injection death of 75-year-old patient
Where do we go from here? What precedent of criminalizing medical mistakes? Source:

Can Primary Care Physicians Address the Behavioral Health Crisis?
It's a good start The reality is we are in a mental health crisis. This has been compounded by a two year pandemic, lock downs, provider...

Nurse Stands Trial for Deadly Medical Error—
This is a case of pure human error. Negligence yes, institutional problems yes, burn out yes, but what do you do? How does this end? —

Big Pharma and the Cost of Medicine
This week I saw an article from the CEO of Pfizer discussing his negotiations with the Trump administration for the Covid-19 vaccine. ...

Fentanyl is now the number one cause of death for Americans ages 18-45
Fentanyl is now the number one cause of death for Americans ages 18-45. Healthcare needs to add this killer to the 5 toxicology tests.

High Unemployment During the COVID-19 Pandemic Led to Declines in Prescription Drug Use
For many conditions, medication compliance can be critical in your health and maintaining your overall wellbeing. When people lose their...

How skilled are our Mental Health Professionals in Detecting and Treating Suicide Ideation ?
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force continues to conclude that current evidence on the effectiveness of suicide risk assessment is poor.

Hasn't Pfizer made enough money?
Full-year 2021 revenues totaled $83.1 billion, an increase of $39.6 billion, or 95%, compared to full-year 2020, reflecting operational...

Covid-19, Poor Planning and Insurance
Just when you thought things could not get worse with the delay of care, overwhelmed and understaffed emergency rooms and hospitals, now...

Before you Agree to a Telehealth Visit, Make Sure you get the Details and Final Cost
Telehealth has it's perks and place but make sure you ask about ALL the fees and confirm insurance coverage.

Nurse Survey Highlight Mental Health Difficulties During the Pandemic
Dire working conditions, complex work-life balance, and environmental factors outside of the healthcare provider's control

Sensible policy on psychedelic drugs is growing more common
Oregon’s voters approved psilocybin for supervised use in 2020, and other jurisdictions may soon follow suit.

Should you go to the Emergency Room?
Today is January 27, 2022 and the answer is NO unless it is a true emergency. On Monday of this week I had a fall in the snow and tried...

It's not OK to die alone. It's not ok to let a human being suffer.
Below is a letter that I wrote to the CEO of the hospital that my friend died in. It won't bring him back as he had a very bad,...

WHO warns that repeated booster shots are not substantial
WHO warns that repeated booster shots are not sustainable.

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants

What is the DSM-V-TR and Why is it Important?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision The DSM–5 is the standard classification of mental...

Me, My Dog and a Sheep
While my focus this year has been on "Not in Vain, A Promise Made," "Me, My Dog and a Sheep" is still my heart. It is a non-fiction...

Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel for Covid-19 and it's Variants?
When will we see a light at the end of the tunnel from Covid-19 and it's variants?

Surgeon General Warns of Youth Mental Health Crisis
Covid effects on the mental health of our children

Vaccine Mandates and Hospital Visitation
Last week my husband and I helped a special person in dire need of care. While protecting his privacy, it came to my attention that he...
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